Download Facebook Messenger for Windws Phone and enjoy text messaging with yours friends. Download FB messenger for Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 7.5, Windows Phone 7.8, Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone 8.1 operating system versions. Windows Phone (successor to Windows Mobile) is a smartphone OS developed by Microsoft and was made to be a strong competitor against iOS ( Apple ) and Android ( Google ).
Overall, Facebook Messenger application is very reliable. I use it all the time to talk to my friends, because it’s easier than text messaging and I can send messages through my computer. The customizability of the application is also fun to play around with. The application does vary a little between operating system, but that’s due to the face that Apple does not allow users to change default SMS programs.
So if you have an Android device and you are looking to use this messenger a lot but do not want to have two different applications to send instant messages and SMS messages to people, Facebook has got you covered, you can set Messenger to be a default SMS program and send SMS through Messenger as well. This integration isn’t great and a little rough around the edges but it gets the job done. If you are looking for a messenger that you don’t have to try to get your friends to switch over to, Facebook Messenger is the app you’re looking for.
Windows Phone truly comes alive when the things you love are put in it. Photos, people, songs, places, and apps automatically update right on your Start screen. You can take your stuff virtually wherever you go with OneDrive, for sure, most secure than iCloud :). Since February 2011, Microsoft and Nokia announced a partnership between their companies in which Windows Phone would become the primary smartphone operating-system for Nokia, replacing Symbian.
Download FB messenger for Windows Phone